Eto.Forms Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AboutDialog |
Dialog for displaying information about the application.
| |
AddValueEventArgsT |
Arguments for controlling whether values should be added to a list or control
| |
Application |
Starting point for any UI application
| |
ApplicationCallback |
Callback implementation for the Application class
| |
BindableBindingT, TValue | ||
BindableExtensions |
Helper extensions for IBindable objects to set up object bindings.
| |
BindableWidget |
Base widget to support binding with the IBindable interface.
| |
Binding |
Base class for binding between a value and another
| |
BindingChangedEventArgs |
Arguments to handle when a binding value has changed
| |
BindingChangingEventArgs |
Arguments for when a binding's value is changing
| |
BindingCollection |
Collection of bindings
| |
BindingExtensions |
Extensions for bindings
| |
Button |
Button control
| |
ButtonCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of Button | |
ButtonMenuItem |
Menu item for a button / submenu
| |
ButtonSegmentedItem |
Segmented item that can be clicked.
| |
ButtonToolItem |
Tool item to execute an action
| |
Calendar |
Control to show a calendar that the user can select either a single date or range of dates.
| |
CalendarCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the Calendar.
| |
Cell |
Base class for cells in a Grid.
| |
CellEventArgs |
Event arguments for events that refer to a Cell.
| |
CellPaintEventArgs | ||
CheckBox |
Control to show a two or three state check box
| |
CheckBoxCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of CheckBox | |
CheckBoxCell |
Cell for Grid controls to show and bind a boolean value to a check box.
| |
CheckBoxList |
Shows a list of check boxes.
| |
CheckCommand |
Command for a menu/tool item that can be checked on or off.
| |
CheckMenuItem |
Menu item that can be toggled on and off
| |
CheckMenuItemCallback |
Callback implementation for the CheckMenuItem.
| |
CheckToolItem |
Tool item that can be toggled on or off.
| |
Clipboard |
Object to handle the system clipboard. Use Instance to avoid creating multiple copies of this object.
| |
CollectionEditor |
Control to edit a collection of objects
| |
ColorDialog |
Dialog for choosing a color
| |
ColorDialogCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the ColorDialog | |
ColorPicker |
Control to show and pick a color.
| |
ColorPickerCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of ColorPicker | |
ColumnBindingT |
Column/Index binding for objects implementing IColumnItem or IList | |
ComboBox |
Presents a combination of an editable text box and drop down to select from a list of items and enter text.
| |
ComboBoxCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of ListControl | |
ComboBoxCell |
Cell to present a combo box in a Grid.
| |
Command | ||
CommonControl |
Base class for controls with common functionality
| |
CommonDialog |
Base class for common dialogs
| |
Container |
Base class for controls that contain children controls
| |
ContextMenu |
Represents a context menu that can be shown typically when users right click or press the menu key on a control
| |
ContextMenuCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the ContextMenu | |
Control |
Base for all visual UI elements
| |
ControlCallback |
Callback methods for handlers of Control | |
ControlBindingT, TValue | Obsolete.
Binding object to easily bind a property of a Control.
| |
Cursor |
Class for a particular Mouse cursor type
| |
Cursors |
Provides direct access to a cached set of cursors for use within your application
| |
CustomCell |
Cell for Grid controls to create custom content for the cell.
| |
CustomCellCallback |
Callback implementation for the CustomCell | |
DataFormats |
Provides access to common data formats in a DataObject.
| |
DataObject |
Drag/Drop action data.
| |
DataStoreCollectionT |
Collection of items that implements the IDataStoreT interface
| |
DataStoreVirtualCollectionT |
Translates an IDataStoreT to a read-only IListT | |
DateTimePicker |
Date/time picker control to enter a date and/or time value
| |
DateTimePickerCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the DateTimePicker.
| |
DelegateBindingTValue |
Direct delegate binding.
| |
DelegateBindingT, TValue |
Indirect binding using delegate methods
| |
Dialog |
Custom modal dialog
| |
DialogT |
Custom modal dialog with a specified result type
| |
DirectBindingT |
Abstraction to get/set values from a provided object
| |
DocumentControl |
Control to present multiple pages with tab selection and optional reordering and tab closing.
| |
DocumentControlCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the DocumentControl | |
DocumentPage |
Control for a page in a DocumentControl | |
DocumentPageEventArgs |
Arguments for the DocumentControl to get the current page.
| |
DocumentPageReorderEventArgs |
Arguments for the DocumentControl when reordering pages.
| |
DragEventArgs |
Drag/Drop event arguments.
| |
Drawable |
Control with a paintable user interface
| |
DrawableCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of Drawable | |
DrawableCell |
A cell that is rendered by custom code.
| |
DrawableCellCallback |
Callback implementation for the DrawableCell cell.
| |
DrawableCellPaintEventArgs | Obsolete.
Drawable cell paint event arguments.
| |
DropDown |
Presents a drop down to select from a list of items
| |
DropDownCallback |
Callback implementation for the DropDown
| |
DropDownFormatEventArgs |
Arguments for formatting items in a DropDown using the FormatItem event.
| |
DualBindingT |
Binding for joining two object bindings together
| |
DynamicControl |
Control item for the DynamicLayout | |
DynamicGroup |
Used to easily insert a GroupBox into a dynamic layout
| |
DynamicItem |
Base item for the DynamicLayout | |
DynamicLayout |
Dynamic and extensible layout
| |
DynamicRow |
Represents a row for a DynamicTable | |
DynamicScrollable |
Used to easily insert a Scrollable into a dynamic layout
| |
DynamicTable |
Table item for the DynamicLayout | |
EnumCheckBoxListT |
Check box list based on an enumeration
| |
EnumDropDownT |
Combo box for an enumeration
| |
EnumRadioButtonListT |
Radio button list based on an enumeration
| |
Expander |
A control with a panel that can be expanded or collapsed with a header and button.
| |
ExpanderCallback |
Callback implementation for the Expander | |
FileDialog |
Base file dialog class
| |
FileDialogFilter | Obsolete.
Filter definition for a FileDialog | |
FileFilter |
Filter definition for FilePicker and FileDialog | |
FilePicker |
Control for picking a file or folder.
| |
FilePickerCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of FilePicker | |
FilterCollectionT |
Collection that supports filtering and sorting
| |
FixedMaskedTextProvider |
Implements a fixed masked text provider, using the standard System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.
| |
FixedMaskedTextProviderT |
Implements a fixed masked text provider that converts to the specified type of T, using the standard System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.
| |
FontDialog |
Dialog for a user to pick a font and style
| |
FontDialogCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the FontDialog.
| |
FontPicker |
Control to show and pick a font.
| |
FontPickerCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the FontPicker.
| |
Form |
Non-modal form window
| |
Grid |
Base grid control to display items in columns and rows
| |
GridCallback |
Callbacks for instances of Grid | |
GridCell |
Information of a cell in the TreeGridView | |
GridCellFormatEventArgs |
Event arguments to format a cell in a Grid | |
GridCellMouseEventArgs |
Event arguments for cell-based events of a Grid triggered by the mouse.
| |
GridColumn |
Grid column definition for a Grid | |
GridColumnCollection |
Column collection for the Grid | |
GridColumnEventArgs |
Event arguments for Grid events relating to a specific column
| |
GridItem |
Helper for an item in a GridView to store values in an array.
| |
GridView |
Control to present data in a grid in columns and rows.
| |
GridViewT |
Grid view with a data store of a specific type
| |
GridViewCellEventArgs |
Event arguments for cell-based events of a GridView | |
GridViewDragInfo |
Extra drag information when dragging to a TreeGridView.
| |
GroupBox |
Interface elment to group controls inside a box with an optional title
| |
ImageListItem |
List item for list controls that accept an image (e.g. ListBox)
| |
ImageTextCell |
Cell for Grid controls to show image and text in one cell.
| |
ImageView |
Control to display an image
| |
ImageViewCell | ||
IndirectBindingT |
Provides an indirect binding to an indeterminate source/destination
| |
Keyboard |
General keyboard methods
| |
KeyEventArgs |
Arguments for key press events
| |
KeysExtensions |
Extensions for the Keys enumeration
| |
Label |
Displays a string of text on the form
| |
Layout |
Base class for all layout-based containers
| |
LinkButton |
Button that is visually represented like a hyperlink on a web page.
| |
LinkButtonCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of LinkButton | |
ListBox |
Control to show a list of items that the user can select
| |
ListBoxCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of ListBox | |
ListControl |
Base control binding to a list of items
| |
ListControlCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of ListControl | |
ListItem |
Represents an item for list controls.
| |
ListItemCollection |
A collection of ListItem objects for use with ListControl objects
| |
LocalizeEventArgs |
Event arguments for localization
| |
MaskedTextBox |
Text box with masking capabilities.
| |
MaskedTextBoxT |
Masked text box that provides a value converted to/from text
| |
MaskedTextStepper |
Text box with masking capabilities.
| |
MaskedTextStepperT |
Masked text box that provides a value converted to/from text
| |
Menu |
Base class for menu items
| |
MenuBar |
Menu bar for a form
| |
MenuItem |
Base class for items in a menu
| |
MenuItemCallback |
Callback implementation for the MenuItem | |
MenuItemCollection |
Collection for menu items.
| |
MenuSegmentedItem |
Segmented item that can have a drop down menu, and optionally be selected.
| |
MessageBox |
Methods to show a standard message box with display text, buttons, and typically an icon indicating the type
| |
Mouse |
Static methods to get the current mouse state
| |
MouseEventArgs |
Mouse event arguments.
| |
Navigation |
Control to show child panels in a hirarchical stack using a navigation button to go back to a previous panel.
| |
NavigationCallback |
Callback implementation for the Navigation control.
| |
NavigationItem |
Item for a pane on a Navigation control.
| |
NavigationItemEventArgs |
Event arguments with a NavigationItem reference
| |
Notification |
System toast notification.
| |
NotificationEventArgs |
Event arguments when handling a notification event
| |
NumericMaskedTextBoxT |
Masked text box with a variable length numeric mask.
| |
NumericMaskedTextProvider |
Masked text provider for numeric input.
| |
NumericMaskedTextProviderT |
Masked text provider for numeric input of the specified type.
| |
NumericMaskedTextStepperT |
Masked text box with a variable length numeric mask.
| |
NumericStepper |
Control for the user to enter a numeric value
| |
NumericStepperCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the NumericStepper | |
NumericUpDown | Obsolete.
Control for the user to enter a numeric value (obsolete, use NumericStepper instead)
| |
ObjectBindingTValue |
Binding for a particular object to get/set values from/to
| |
ObjectBindingT, TValue |
Binding for a particular object to get/set values from/to
| |
OpenFileDialog |
Dialog to select a file (or files) from the file system to open in the application
| |
OpenWithDialog |
Dialog for a user to pick the default application for the given file.
| |
PageSettings |
Settings for a single printed page. Not currently mapped to any platform.
| |
PaintEventArgs |
Event arguments when painting using the Paint event
| |
Panel |
Control to display a panel containing a single Content control
| |
PasswordBox |
An entry box for the user to enter a password without displaying the contents of the password while typed.
| |
PixelLayout |
Layout to position controls by pixel coordinates
| |
PrintDialog |
Dialog to show when printing a document or adjusting print settings
| |
PrintDocument |
Represents a document that can be printed
| |
PrintDocumentCallback |
Callback methods for handlers of PrintDocument | |
PrintPageEventArgs |
Event arguments when printing a page.
| |
PrintSettings |
Settings for printing a PrintDocument | |
ProgressBar |
Control to show progress of a long running task
| |
ProgressCell |
Cell for Grid controls to show and bind a int value to a progress bar.
| |
PropertyBindingT |
Indirect binding to get/set values using a property of a specified object
| |
PropertyCell |
A custom cell implementation that implements a generic method of showing different types of controls on a per row basis.
| |
PropertyCellType |
Base type for a PropertyCell to display cell contents for a particular type.
| |
PropertyCellTypeT |
Base property cell type for a given type
| |
PropertyCellTypeBoolean |
Property cell type to edit boolean values using a check box and a True/False label.
| |
PropertyCellTypeColor |
Property cell type to edit a color value with a color picker and optional hex masked value.
| |
PropertyCellTypeDateTime |
Property cell type to edit a cell value using a date/time picker.
| |
PropertyCellTypeDropDown |
Property cell type drop down.
| |
PropertyCellTypeEnum |
Property cell type to display any type of enumeration
| |
PropertyCellTypeEnumT |
Property cell type to edit an enum value using an EnumDropDownT.
| |
PropertyCellTypeNumber |
Property cell type to edit any type of number
| |
PropertyCellTypeNumberT |
Property cell type to edit int values.
| |
PropertyCellTypeString |
Property cell type to edit string values.
| |
PropertyGrid |
Control to edit the properties of one or more objects.
| |
PropertyGridCallback |
Callback implementation for the PropertyGrid.
| |
PropertyGridTypeEditor |
Interface for custom type editors of the PropertyGrid | |
PropertyValueChangedEventArgs |
Event arguments for the PropertyGrid when a value changes.
| |
RadioButton |
Control to present a button to choose from a set of options
| |
RadioButtonCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the RadioButton | |
RadioButtonList |
Shows a list of radio buttons.
| |
RadioCommand |
Command for a radio button for a tool or menu item.
| |
RadioMenuItem |
Menu item to choose from a set of options
| |
RadioMenuItemCallback |
Callback implementation for the RadioMenuItem.
| |
RadioToolItem |
Tool item that can be toggled on or off.
| |
Range |
Helpers for the RangeT structure.
| |
RangeExtensions |
Extensions for the RangeT structure
| |
RelayCommand |
Command to relay execution and execute state to delegates
| |
RelayCommandT |
Command to relay execution and execute state to delegates
| |
RelayValueCommandTValue |
A IValueCommandT class that uses delegates for getting and setting the value of the command
| |
RelayValueCommandTParameter, TValue |
A IValueCommandT class that uses delegates for getting and setting the value of the command with the command parameter.
| |
RichTextArea |
Text area with ability to specify rich text formatting such as font attributes and colors.
| |
SaveFileDialog |
Dialog for the user to select a file to save
| |
Screen |
Represents a display on the system.
| |
Scrollable |
Control to show content in a scrollable container
| |
ScrollableCallback |
Callback implementation for the Scrollable | |
ScrollEventArgs |
Event arguments for Scroll events
| |
SearchBox |
Search box control
| |
SegmentedButton |
Button with multiple segments that can be clicked.
| |
SegmentedButtonCallback |
Callback methods for handlers of SegmentedButton.
| |
SegmentedItem |
Base class for items of the SegmentedButton control.
| |
SegmentedItemCallback |
Callback implementation for the SegmentedItem.
| |
SegmentedItemClickEventArgs |
Event arguments when clicking a segment in the SegmentedButton.
| |
SegmentedItemCollection |
Collection of SegmentedItem objects for the SegmentedButton.
| |
SelectableFilterCollectionT |
Collection that can filter/sort the items, and keep a selection of items in the original list.
| |
SelectFolderDialog |
Dialog for the user to select a folder in the filesystem
| |
SeparatorMenuItem |
Menu item to separate menu items
| |
SeparatorToolItem |
Tool item to separate groups of items using a divider, space, etc.
| |
SingleValueCellT |
Base class for cells that bind to a single value.
| |
Slider |
Control with a knob the user can slide up/down or left/right to select a numeric range.
| |
SliderCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of Slider | |
Spinner |
Presents a spinning indeterminate progress spinner wheel
| |
Splitter |
Control to show two panels separated by a splitter
| |
SplitterCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the Splitter | |
StackLayout |
Layout to stack controls horizontally or vertically, with the ability for each child to be aligned to a side
of the layout.
| |
StackLayoutItem |
Item for a single control in a StackLayout.
| |
Stepper |
Control that allows you to "step" through values, usually presented by two buttons arranged vertically with up and down arrows.
| |
StepperCallback |
Callback implementation for the Stepper
| |
StepperEventArgs |
Arguments for the Stepper and TextStepper to give you the direction of the step.
| |
SubmenuExtensions |
Extensions for the ISubmenu interface.
| |
TabControl |
Control to present multiple pages with a tab selection
| |
TabControlCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the TabControl | |
TableCell |
Represents a cell in a TableRow | |
TableLayout |
Layout for controls in a table
| |
TableRow |
Represents the contents of a row in a TableLayout | |
TabPage |
Control for a page in a TabControl | |
Taskbar |
Methods to interact with application taskbar button.
| |
TextArea |
Control for multi-line text
| |
TextAreaCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the TextArea | |
TextBox |
Single line text box control
| |
TextBoxCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of TextControl based controls
| |
TextBoxCell |
Cell for a text box in a Grid.
| |
TextBufferExtensions |
Extensions for ITextBuffer | |
TextChangingEventArgs |
Arguments for events that handle when text is about to change, such as the TextChanging event.
| |
TextControl |
Base class for controls implementing text and text changing events, when it has a singular text property.
| |
TextControlCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of TextControl based controls
| |
TextInputEventArgs |
Event arguments when handling text input events
| |
TextStepper |
Stepper with custom text entry field
| |
TextStepperCallback |
Callback implementation for the TextStepper
| |
ThemedContainerHandlerTControl, TWidget, TCallback |
Base class for implementing Eto Container control handlers using Eto controls.
| |
ThemedControlHandlerTControl, TWidget, TCallback |
Base class for implementing Eto control handlers using other Eto controls.
| |
ToggleButton |
Specialized Button that can be toggled on or off.
| |
ToggleButtonCallback |
Callback implementation for the ToggleButton.
| |
Tool |
Base class for tool items on a ToolBar | |
ToolBar |
Toolbar widget for use on a Window.
| |
ToolItem |
Base tool item class for a ToolBar.
| |
ToolItemCollection |
ToolBar item collection.
| |
TrayIndicator |
A system tray indicator.
| |
TrayIndicatorCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of TrayIndicator | |
TreeGridCell |
Information of a cell in the TreeGridView | |
TreeGridItem |
Item for a TreeGridView for each node of the tree.
| |
TreeGridItemCollection |
Collection of ITreeGridItem objects for child nodes of a tree.
| |
TreeGridView |
Presents a tree with multiple columns
| |
TreeGridViewCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of TreeGridView | |
TreeGridViewDragInfo |
Extra drag information when dragging to a TreeGridView.
| |
TreeGridViewItemCancelEventArgs |
Event arguments for TreeGridView events that can be cancelled
| |
TreeGridViewItemEventArgs |
Event arguments for TreeGridView events
| |
TreeItem |
Item for a TreeView | |
TreeItemCollection |
Tree item collection.
| |
TreeView | Obsolete.
Standard tree view control with a single column
| |
TreeViewCallback |
Callback methods for handlers of TreeView | |
TreeViewItemCancelEventArgs |
Event arguments for TreeView events that can be cancelled
| |
TreeViewItemEditEventArgs |
Event arguments for TreeView events that can modify the label of the text
| |
TreeViewItemEventArgs |
Event arguments for TreeView events relating to an item
| |
UITimer |
Provides a timer that executes code at a specified interval on the UI thread
| |
UITimerCallback |
Callback implementation for UITimer | |
ValueCommandT |
Command that provides a specific value.
| |
VariableMaskedTextProvider |
Base masked text provider that can be used for variable length masks.
| |
WebView |
Control to show a browser control that can display html and execute javascript.
| |
WebViewCallback |
Callback implementation for handlers of the WebView | |
WebViewLoadedEventArgs |
Event arguments when the WebView has finished loaded a uri
| |
WebViewLoadingEventArgs |
Event arguments when the WebView is loading a new uri.
| |
WebViewNewWindowEventArgs |
Event arguments for when the WebView prompts to open a new window.
| |
WebViewTitleEventArgs |
Event arguments for when the WebView changes its title
| |
WidgetExtensions |
Extensions for widget objects
| |
Window |
Base window
| |
WindowCallback |
Callback methods for handlers of Control |
Structure | Description | |
DrawableCellStates | Obsolete.
Orientation of a Splitter control.
| |
HorizontalAlign | Obsolete.
Specifies the horizontal alignment for a Label | |
RadioButtonListOrientation | Obsolete.
Orientation of buttons in a RadioButtonList | |
RangeT |
Represents an immutable, inclusive start/end range of IComparableT values
| |
SliderOrientation | Obsolete.
Enumeration of the orientations available for the Slider control
| |
SplitterOrientation | Obsolete.
Orientation of a Splitter control.
| |
VerticalAlign | Obsolete.
Specifies the horizontal alignment for a Label |
Interface | Description | |
AboutDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the AboutDialog | |
ApplicationICallback |
Interface for callbacks to the Application class
| |
ApplicationIHandler |
Handler interface for the Application class
| |
ButtonICallback |
Callback interface for Button | |
ButtonIHandler |
Handler interface for the Button control
| |
ButtonMenuItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the ButtonMenuItem.
| |
ButtonSegmentedItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the ButtonSegmentedItem.
| |
ButtonToolItemIHandler |
Handler for the ButtonToolItem.
| |
CalendarICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the Calendar.
| |
CalendarIHandler |
Handler interface for the Calendar.
| |
CheckBoxICallback |
Callback interface for the CheckBox | |
CheckBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the CheckBox control
| |
CheckBoxCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the CheckBoxCell.
| |
CheckMenuItemICallback |
Callback interface for the CheckMenuItem class.
| |
CheckMenuItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the CheckMenuItem.
| |
CheckToolItemIHandler |
Handler for the CheckToolItem.
| |
ClipboardIHandler |
Handler interface for the Clipboard.
| |
CollectionEditorIHandler |
Handler for the CollectionEditor.
| |
ColorDialogICallback |
Callback interface for the ColorDialog | |
ColorDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the ColorDialog | |
ColorPickerICallback |
Callback interface for ColorPicker | |
ColorPickerIHandler |
Handler interface for the ColorPicker control
| |
ComboBoxICallback |
Callback interface for the ComboBox | |
ComboBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the ComboBox | |
ComboBoxCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the ComboBoxCell.
| |
CommonControlIHandler |
Handler interface for the CommonControl.
| |
CommonDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the CommonDialog | |
ContainerIHandler |
Handler interface for the Container control
| |
ContextMenuICallback |
Callback interface for instances of ContextMenu | |
ContextMenuIHandler |
Handler interface for the ContextMenu | |
ControlICallback |
Callback interface for instances of Control | |
ControlIHandler |
Handler interface for Control | |
CursorIHandler |
Platform interface for the Cursor class
| |
CustomCellICallback |
Callback interface for the CustomCell | |
CustomCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the CustomCell.
| |
DataFormatsIHandler |
Handler interface for implementations of the DataFormats object.
| |
DataObjectIHandler |
Handler interface for platform implementations of DataObject | |
DateTimePickerICallback |
Callback interface for the DateTimePicker.
| |
DateTimePickerIHandler |
Handler interface for the DateTimePicker control
| |
DialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the Dialog class
| |
DocumentControlICallback |
Callback interface for the DocumentControl | |
DocumentControlIHandler |
Handler interface for the DocumentControl | |
DocumentPageIHandler |
Handler interface for the DocumentPage | |
DrawableICallback |
Callback interface for Drawable | |
DrawableIHandler |
Handler interface for the Drawable control
| |
DrawableCellICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the DrawableCell cell.
| |
DrawableCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the DrawableCell.
| |
DropDownICallback |
Callback interface for the DropDown
| |
DropDownIHandler |
Handler interface for the DropDown | |
ExpanderICallback |
Callback interface for the Expander | |
ExpanderIHandler |
Handler interface for platform implementations of the Expander.
| |
FileDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the FileDialog based widgets
| |
FilePickerICallback |
Callback interface for FilePicker | |
FilePickerIHandler |
Handler interface for the FilePicker control
| |
FixedMaskedTextProviderIHandler |
Handler interface for implementations of the FixedMaskedTextProvider.
| |
FontDialogICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the FontDialog.
| |
FontDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the FontDialog.
| |
FontPickerICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the FontPicker.
| |
FontPickerIHandler |
Handler interface for the FontPicker.
| |
FormIHandler |
Interface handler for the Form control
| |
GridICallback |
Callback interface for instances of Grid | |
GridIHandler |
Handler interface for the Grid control
| |
GridColumnIHandler |
Handler interface for the GridColumn.
| |
GridViewIHandler |
Handler interface for the GridView.
| |
GroupBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the GroupBox | |
IBindable |
Interface for objects that support binding
| |
IBindableWidgetContainer |
Interface to specify that the BindableWidget contains child bindable widgets that
should participate in binding events.
| |
IBinding |
Base binding interface
| |
IColumnItem |
Interface to provide a source for the ColumnBindingT | |
ICommandItem | ||
IContextMenuHost |
Interface for widgets/handlers that implement a context menu
| |
IDataObject |
Interface to allow you to share common code with Clipboard and DataObject.
| |
IDataStoreT |
Base data store interface to bind to a collection of objects of a particular type.
| |
IImageListItem |
Represents a list item that can have an image associated with each item.
| |
IIndirectBindingT |
Base interface for an indirect binding.
| |
IKeyboardInputSource |
Defines an interface for controls or classes that implement keyboard events.
| |
IListItem |
Interface for an item in a list control.
| |
ImageTextCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the ImageTextCell.
| |
ImageViewIHandler |
Handler interface for the ImageView | |
ImageViewCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the ImageViewCell.
| |
IMaskedTextProvider |
Interface for a masked text provider that can be used with MaskedTextBox.
| |
IMaskedTextProviderT |
Interface for a masked text provider that can be translated to a specific value.
| |
IMouseInputSource |
Defines an interface for controls or classes that implement mouse events.
| |
INavigationItem |
Item for panes on a Navigation control.
| |
ISelectableT |
Interface for an object that can select multiple items and rows.
| |
ISelectableControlT |
Interface for a control that can preserve its selection.
| |
ISelectionPreserver |
Interface for a control that can preserve selected items
| |
ISubmenu |
Interface for submenus to access common Items properties
| |
ITextBuffer |
Interface for a formatted text buffer
| |
ITreeGridItem |
Interface for an item in a TreeGridView.
| |
ITreeGridItemT |
Interface for an item in a TreeGridView that implements children
| |
ITreeGridStoreT |
Item store for the TreeGridView | |
ITreeItem |
Interface for an item in a TreeView | |
ITreeItemT |
Base tree item interface
| |
ITreeStore |
Base data store for the TreeView | |
IValueCommandT |
Interface for a command that can provide a value
| |
IValueConverter |
Interface for providing a reusable converter for binding values
| |
KeyboardIHandler |
Handler for platforms to implement the Keyboard functionality.
| |
LabelIHandler |
Handler interface for the Label | |
LayoutIHandler |
Platform handler interface for the the Layout class
| |
LayoutIPositionalLayoutHandler |
Platform handler interface for positional layouts where controls are placed in an x, y grid
| |
LinkButtonICallback |
Callback interface for LinkButton | |
LinkButtonIHandler |
Handler interface for the LinkButton control
| |
ListBoxICallback |
Callback interface for the ListBox | |
ListBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the ListBox | |
ListControlICallback |
Callback interface for the ListControl | |
ListControlIHandler |
Handler interface for the ListControl | |
MenuISubmenuHandler |
Handler interface for menus that implement a submenu
| |
MenuBarIHandler |
Handler interface for the MenuBar | |
MenuItemICallback |
Callback interface for the MenuItem | |
MenuItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the MenuItem | |
MenuSegmentedItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the MenuSegmentedItem.
| |
MessageBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the MessageBox | |
MouseIHandler |
Handler interface for the Mouse class
| |
NavigationICallback |
Callback interface for the Navigation control.
| |
NavigationIHandler |
Handler interface for the Navigation control.
| |
NotificationIHandler |
Handler interface for the Notification control
| |
NumericStepperICallback |
Callback interface for the NumericStepper | |
NumericStepperIHandler |
Handler interface for the NumericStepper control.
| |
OpenFileDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the OpenFileDialog | |
OpenWithDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the OpenWithDialog.
| |
PageSettingsIHandler |
Handler interface for the PageSettings control
| |
PanelIHandler |
Handler interface fot the Panel | |
PasswordBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the PasswordBox control
| |
PixelLayoutIHandler |
Handler interface for the PixelLayout control
| |
PrintDialogIHandler |
Handler for the PrintDialog.
| |
PrintDocumentICallback |
Interface for handlers to trigger events
| |
PrintDocumentIHandler |
Handler interface for the PrintDocument widget
| |
PrintSettingsIHandler |
Handler interface for the PrintSettings class.
| |
ProgressBarIHandler |
Handler interface for the ProgressBar control
| |
ProgressCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the ProgressCell.
| |
PropertyGridICallback |
Callback interface for the PropertyGrid | |
PropertyGridIHandler |
Handler interface for the PropertyGrid | |
RadioButtonICallback |
Callback interface for the RadioButton | |
RadioButtonIHandler |
Handler interface for the RadioButton | |
RadioMenuItemICallback |
Callback interface for the RadioMenuItem.
| |
RadioMenuItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the RadioMenuItem.
| |
RadioToolItemIHandler |
Handler for the RadioToolItem.
| |
RichTextAreaIHandler |
Handler interface for the RichTextArea.
| |
SaveFileDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the SaveFileDialog | |
ScreenIHandler |
Handler interface for the Screen.
| |
ScreenIScreensHandler |
Handler interface for static methods of the Screen.
| |
ScrollableICallback |
Callback interface for the Scrollable | |
ScrollableIHandler |
Handler interface for the Scrollable control
| |
SearchBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the SearchBox control
| |
SegmentedButtonICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of SegmentedButton | |
SegmentedButtonIHandler |
Handler interface for SegmentedButton.
| |
SegmentedItemICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the SegmentedItem.
| |
SegmentedItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the SegmentedItem.
| |
SelectFolderDialogIHandler |
Handler interface for the SelectFolderDialog | |
SeparatorMenuItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the SeparatorMenuItem | |
SeparatorToolItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the SeparatorToolItem.
| |
SliderICallback |
Callback interface for the Slider | |
SliderIHandler |
Handler interface for the Slider | |
SpinnerIHandler |
Handler interface for the Spinner control
| |
SplitterICallback |
Callback interface for the Splitter | |
SplitterIHandler |
Handler interface for the Splitter | |
StepperICallback |
Callback interface for the Stepper
| |
StepperIHandler |
Handler interface for the Stepper
| |
TabControlICallback |
Callback interface for the TabControl | |
TabControlIHandler |
Handler interface for the TabControl | |
TableLayoutIHandler |
Handler interface for TableLayout | |
TabPageIHandler |
Handler interface for the TabPage | |
TaskbarIHandler |
Handler interface for the Taskbar.
| |
TextAreaICallback |
Callback interface for the TextArea | |
TextAreaIHandler |
Handler interface for the TextArea | |
TextBoxICallback |
Callback interface for the TextBox based controls
| |
TextBoxIHandler |
Handler interface for the TextBox.
| |
TextBoxCellIHandler |
Handler interface for the TextBoxCell.
| |
TextControlICallback |
Callback interface for the TextControl based controls
| |
TextControlIHandler |
Handler interface for the TextControl based controls
| |
TextStepperICallback |
Callback interface for the TextStepper
| |
TextStepperIHandler |
Handler interface for platform implementations of the TextStepper
| |
ToggleButtonICallback |
Callback interface for handlers of the ToggleButton.
| |
ToggleButtonIHandler |
Handler interface for the ToggleButton | |
ToolIHandler |
Interface for platform implementations of the Tool class.
| |
ToolBarIHandler |
Handler interface for the ToolBar.
| |
ToolItemIHandler |
Handler interface for the ToolItem.
| |
TrayIndicatorICallback |
Callback interface for TrayIndicator | |
TrayIndicatorIHandler |
Handler interface for the TrayIndicator control
| |
TreeGridViewICallback |
Callback interface for the TreeGridView | |
TreeGridViewIHandler |
Handler interface for the TreeGridView | |
TreeViewICallback |
Callback interface for instances of TreeView | |
TreeViewIHandler |
Handler interface for TreeView | |
UITimerICallback |
Callback interface for UITimer | |
UITimerIHandler |
Handler interface for UITimer | |
WebViewICallback |
Callback interface for the WebView.
| |
WebViewIHandler |
Handler interface for the WebView.
| |
WindowICallback |
Callback interface for instances of Window | |
WindowIHandler |
Handler interface for the Window |
Enumeration | Description | |
AutoSelectMode |
Enumeration of the modes for auto selecting text.
| |
BindingUpdateMode |
Mode for updating the binding
| |
BorderType |
Border types
| |
ButtonImagePosition |
Button image position
| |
CalendarMode |
Mode for the Calendar control
| |
CellStates |
State for a Cell | |
CursorType |
Enumeration of the cursor types supported by the Cursor object
| |
DateTimePickerMode |
Modes for the DateTimePicker | |
DialogDisplayMode |
Hint to tell the platform how to display the dialog
| |
DialogResult |
Result codes for CommonDialog or MessageBox dialogs
| |
DockPosition |
Enumeration to define the dock position of a control, such as tabs in the TabControl | |
DragEffects |
Enumeration of drag actions.
| |
DualBindingMode |
Mode of the DualBindingT | |
GridDragPosition |
Enumeration of the drag position relative to a node or item in a Grid.
| |
GridLines |
Enumeration for the type of grid lines to show around each column/row in a Grid | |
HorizontalAlignment |
Horizontal alignment for controls
| |
InsertKeyMode |
Mode for insertion of text when the user types into a control.
| |
KeyEventType |
Type of key event
| |
Keys |
Enumeration of values that correspond to physical keys on a keyboard
| |
MenuBarSystemItems |
Flags for the groups of system MenuBar items
| |
MessageBoxButtons |
Message box buttons for methods of MessageBox | |
MessageBoxDefaultButton |
Message box default button selection for a MessageBox | |
MessageBoxType |
Message box type, to define the appearance of a MessageBox | |
MouseButtons |
Enumeration of mouse buttons
| |
Orientation |
Represents either horizontal or vertical orientation for controls.
| |
PageOrientation |
Orientation of the printed page.
| |
PrintSelection |
Selection mode when printing
| |
RichTextAreaFormat |
Format for loading and saving text from the RichTextArea | |
SegmentedSelectionMode |
Enumeration of the selection modes for the SegmentedButton.
| |
SeparatorToolItemType |
Enumeration of the types of separators for the SeparatorToolItem | |
ShowPromptMode |
Mode for when prompt characters are shown in a control.
| |
SplitterFixedPanel |
Specifies which panel has a fixed size the parent container is resized.
| |
StepperDirection |
Direction of the stepper when it has been clicked
| |
StepperValidDirections |
Valid stepper directions for the (typically) up/down buttons
| |
TaskbarProgressState |
Taskbar state for Taskbar.
| |
TextAlignment |
Specifies the text alignment for a Label | |
TextReplacements |
Text replacement options when entering text
| |
ToolBarDock |
Docking mode hint for a ToolBar | |
ToolBarTextAlign |
Text alignment hint for items in a ToolBar | |
VerticalAlignment |
Horizontal alignment for controls
| |
WindowState |
State of a Window | |
WindowStyle |
Style of a Window | |
WrapMode |
Specifies the wrapping mode for the text of a Label |