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Pens Properties

The Pens type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAliceBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF0F8FF
Public propertyStatic memberAntiqueWhite
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFAEBD7
Public propertyStatic memberAqua
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00FFFF
Public propertyStatic memberAquamarine
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF7FFFD4
Public propertyStatic memberAzure
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF0FFFF
Public propertyStatic memberBeige
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF5F5DC
Public propertyStatic memberBisque
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFE4C4
Public propertyStatic memberBlack
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF000000
Public propertyStatic memberBlanchedAlmond
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFEBCD
Public propertyStatic memberBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF0000FF
Public propertyStatic memberBlueViolet
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF8A2BE2
Public propertyStatic memberBrown
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFA52A2A
Public propertyStatic memberBurlyWood
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDEB887
Public propertyStatic memberCadetBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF5F9EA0
Public propertyStatic memberChartreuse
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF7FFF00
Public propertyStatic memberChocolate
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFD2691E
Public propertyStatic memberCoral
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF7F50
Public propertyStatic memberCornflowerBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF6495ED
Public propertyStatic memberCornsilk
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFF8DC
Public propertyStatic memberCrimson
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDC143C
Public propertyStatic memberCyan
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00FFFF
Public propertyStatic memberDarkBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00008B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkCyan
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF008B8B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGoldenrod
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFB8860B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFA9A9A9
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF006400
Public propertyStatic memberDarkKhaki
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFBDB76B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkMagenta
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF8B008B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOliveGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF556B2F
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOrange
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF8C00
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOrchid
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF9932CC
Public propertyStatic memberDarkRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF8B0000
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSalmon
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFE9967A
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSeaGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF8FBC8F
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSlateBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF483D8B
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSlateGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF2F4F4F
Public propertyStatic memberDarkTurquoise
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00CED1
Public propertyStatic memberDarkViolet
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF9400D3
Public propertyStatic memberDeepPink
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF1493
Public propertyStatic memberDeepSkyBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00BFFF
Public propertyStatic memberDimGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF696969
Public propertyStatic memberDodgerBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF1E90FF
Public propertyStatic memberFirebrick
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFB22222
Public propertyStatic memberFloralWhite
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFAF0
Public propertyStatic memberForestGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF228B22
Public propertyStatic memberFuchsia
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF00FF
Public propertyStatic memberGainsboro
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDCDCDC
Public propertyStatic memberGhostWhite
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF8F8FF
Public propertyStatic memberGold
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFD700
Public propertyStatic memberGoldenrod
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDAA520
Public propertyStatic memberGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF808080
Public propertyStatic memberGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF008000
Public propertyStatic memberGreenYellow
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFADFF2F
Public propertyStatic memberHoneydew
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF0FFF0
Public propertyStatic memberHotPink
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF69B4
Public propertyStatic memberIndianRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFCD5C5C
Public propertyStatic memberIndigo
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF4B0082
Public propertyStatic memberIvory
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFFF0
Public propertyStatic memberKhaki
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF0E68C
Public propertyStatic memberLavender
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFE6E6FA
Public propertyStatic memberLavenderBlush
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFF0F5
Public propertyStatic memberLawnGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF7CFC00
Public propertyStatic memberLemonChiffon
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFACD
Public propertyStatic memberLightBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFADD8E6
Public propertyStatic memberLightCoral
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF08080
Public propertyStatic memberLightCyan
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFE0FFFF
Public propertyStatic memberLightGoldenrodYellow
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFAFAD2
Public propertyStatic memberLightGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF90EE90
Public propertyStatic memberLightGrey
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFD3D3D3
Public propertyStatic memberLightPink
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFB6C1
Public propertyStatic memberLightSalmon
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFA07A
Public propertyStatic memberLightSeaGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF20B2AA
Public propertyStatic memberLightSkyBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF87CEFA
Public propertyStatic memberLightSlateGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF778899
Public propertyStatic memberLightSteelBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFB0C4DE
Public propertyStatic memberLightYellow
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFFE0
Public propertyStatic memberLime
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00FF00
Public propertyStatic memberLimeGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF32CD32
Public propertyStatic memberLinen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFAF0E6
Public propertyStatic memberMagenta
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF00FF
Public propertyStatic memberMaroon
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF800000
Public propertyStatic memberMediumAquamarine
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF66CDAA
Public propertyStatic memberMediumBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF0000CD
Public propertyStatic memberMediumOrchid
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFBA55D3
Public propertyStatic memberMediumPurple
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF9370DB
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSeaGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF3CB371
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSlateBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF7B68EE
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSpringGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00FA9A
Public propertyStatic memberMediumTurquoise
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF48D1CC
Public propertyStatic memberMediumVioletRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFC71585
Public propertyStatic memberMidnightBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF191970
Public propertyStatic memberMintCream
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF5FFFA
Public propertyStatic memberMistyRose
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFE4E1
Public propertyStatic memberMoccasin
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFE4B5
Public propertyStatic memberNavajoWhite
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFDEAD
Public propertyStatic memberNavy
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF000080
Public propertyStatic memberOldLace
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFDF5E6
Public propertyStatic memberOlive
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF808000
Public propertyStatic memberOliveDrab
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF6B8E23
Public propertyStatic memberOrange
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFA500
Public propertyStatic memberOrangeRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF4500
Public propertyStatic memberOrchid
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDA70D6
Public propertyStatic memberPaleGoldenrod
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFEEE8AA
Public propertyStatic memberPaleGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF98FB98
Public propertyStatic memberPaleTurquoise
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFAFEEEE
Public propertyStatic memberPaleVioletRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDB7093
Public propertyStatic memberPapayaWhip
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFEFD5
Public propertyStatic memberPeachPuff
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFDAB9
Public propertyStatic memberPeru
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFCD853F
Public propertyStatic memberPink
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFC0CB
Public propertyStatic memberPlum
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFDDA0DD
Public propertyStatic memberPowderBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFB0E0E6
Public propertyStatic memberPurple
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF800080
Public propertyStatic memberRed
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF0000
Public propertyStatic memberRosyBrown
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFBC8F8F
Public propertyStatic memberRoyalBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF4169E1
Public propertyStatic memberSaddleBrown
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF8B4513
Public propertyStatic memberSalmon
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFA8072
Public propertyStatic memberSandyBrown
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF4A460
Public propertyStatic memberSeaGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF2E8B57
Public propertyStatic memberSeashell
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFF5EE
Public propertyStatic memberSienna
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFA0522D
Public propertyStatic memberSilver
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFC0C0C0
Public propertyStatic memberSkyBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF87CEEB
Public propertyStatic memberSlateBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF6A5ACD
Public propertyStatic memberSlateGray
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF708090
Public propertyStatic memberSnow
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFAFA
Public propertyStatic memberSpringGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF00FF7F
Public propertyStatic memberSteelBlue
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF4682B4
Public propertyStatic memberTan
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFD2B48C
Public propertyStatic memberTeal
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF008080
Public propertyStatic memberThistle
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFD8BFD8
Public propertyStatic memberTomato
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFF6347
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #00000000
Public propertyStatic memberTurquoise
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF40E0D0
Public propertyStatic memberViolet
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFEE82EE
Public propertyStatic memberWheat
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF5DEB3
Public propertyStatic memberWhite
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFFFF
Public propertyStatic memberWhiteSmoke
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFF5F5F5
Public propertyStatic memberYellow
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FFFFFF00
Public propertyStatic memberYellowGreen
Gets a pen with a thickness of 1 and ARGB color value of #FF9ACD32
See Also