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PropertyStore Methods

The PropertyStore type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAddEvent
Adds a generic event delegate with the specified key
Public methodCode exampleAddHandlerEvent
Adds a handler-based event delegate with the specified key
Public methodCreateT(Object)
Gets a value from the property store with the specified key of a concrete type, and creates a new instance if it doesn't exist yet.
Public methodCreateT(Object, FuncT)
Gets a value from the property store with the specified key of a concrete type, and creates a new instance if it doesn't exist yet.
Public methodGetT(Object, FuncT)
Gets a value from the property store with the specified key of a concrete type
Public methodGetT(Object, T)
Gets a value from the property store with the specified key of a concrete type
Public methodGetCommand
Gets the command instance for the specified property key.
Public methodRemoveEvent
Removes the event delegate with the specified key
Public methodSetT(Object, T, T)
Set the value for the specified property key, removing the value from the dictionary if it is the default value of T.
Public methodCode exampleSetT(Object, T, Action, T)
Set the value for the specified property key, calling the propertyChanged delegate if it has changed.
Public methodCode exampleSetT(Object, T, PropertyChangedEventHandler, T, String)
Set the value for the specified property key, raising the propertyChanged handler if it has changed.
Public methodSetCommand
Sets an ICommand value for the specified property key.
Public methodCode exampleTriggerEventT
Triggers an event with the specified key
Public methodTrySetT
Set the value for the specified property key, removing the value from the dictionary if it is the default value of T.
Public methodUpdateCommandCanExecute
Updates the command's execute status, typically when the CommandParameter changes.
See Also