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Clipboard Class

Object to handle the system clipboard. Use Instance to avoid creating multiple copies of this object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Eto.Forms
Assembly:  Eto (in Eto.dll) Version: 2.5.3-dev
public class Clipboard : Widget, IDataObject

The Clipboard type exposes the following members.

Public methodClipboard
Initializes a new instance of the Clipboard class
Public propertyContainsHtml
Gets a value indicating whether this Clipboard contains a value for Html.
Public propertyContainsImage
Gets a value indicating whether this Clipboard contains a value for Image.
Public propertyContainsText
Gets a value indicating whether this Clipboard contains a value for Text.
Public propertyContainsUris
Gets a value indicating whether this Clipboard contains a value for Uris.
Public propertyHtml
Gets or sets html text in the clipboard.
Public propertyImage
Gets or sets an image in the clipboard.
Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Gets the shared clipboard instance
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the plain text in the clipboard.
Public propertyTypes
Gets the type id's for each type of data in the clipboard.
Public propertyUris
Gets or sets the Uri's of the files in the clipboard.
Public methodClear
Clears the clipboard completely of all values
Public methodContains
Gets a value indicating that data with the specified type is contained in the clipboard.
Public methodGetData
Gets a data array from the clipboard with the specified type identifier.
Public methodGetDataStream
Gets the data stream with the specified type identifier.
Public methodGetObject(String)
Gets a serialized value with the specified type identifier.
Public methodGetObject<T>(String)
Gets an object from the data object with the specified type
Public methodGetString
Gets a string from the clipboard with the specified type identifier.
Public methodSetData
sets a data array into the clipboard with the specified type identifier.
Public methodSetDataStream
Sets a data stream into the clipboard with the specified type identifier.
Public methodSetObject
Sets the value into the data object with the specified type using serialization or type converter
Public methodSetString
Sets a string into the clipboard with the specified type identifier.
See Also