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GraphicsIHandler Interface

Platform handler interface for the Graphics class

Namespace:  Eto.Drawing
Assembly:  Eto (in Eto.dll) Version: 2.5.3-dev
public interface IHandler : WidgetIHandler

The GraphicsIHandler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAntiAlias
Gets or sets a value indicating that drawing operations will use antialiasing
Public propertyClipBounds
Gets the bounds of the clipping region
Public propertyCurrentTransform
Gets a copy of the current transform.
Public propertyImageInterpolation
Gets or sets the interpolation mode for drawing images
Public propertyIsRetained
Gets a value indicating the graphics sub-system is a retained system (e.g. WPF)
Public propertyPixelOffsetMode
Gets or sets the pixel offset mode for draw operations
Public propertyPointsPerPixel
Gets the scale of points to pixels. Multiply by desired pixel size to get point value (e.g. for font sizes)
Public methodClear
Resets all pixels in the ClipBounds region with the specified brush
Public methodCreateFromImage
Creates the graphics object for drawing on the specified image
Public methodDrawArc
Draws an arc with the specified pen
Public methodDrawEllipse
Draws an outline of an ellipse with the specified pen
Public methodDrawImage(Image, RectangleF, RectangleF)
Draws the source portion of an image, scaling to the specified destination
Public methodDrawImage(Image, Single, Single)
Draws the specified image at a location with no scaling
Public methodDrawImage(Image, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws the specified image in a rectangle
Public methodDrawLine
Draws a line with the specified pen
Public methodDrawLines
Draws a set of lines with the specified points
Public methodDrawPath
Draws the specified path
Public methodDrawPolygon
Draws an outline of a polygon with the specified points
Public methodDrawRectangle
Draws a rectangle outline
Public methodDrawText(FormattedText, PointF)
Draws formatted text at the specified location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Brush, Single, Single, String)
Draws text with the specified font, brush and location
Public methodFillEllipse
Fills an ellipse with the specified brush
Public methodFillPath
Fills the specified path
Public methodFillPie
Fills a pie with the specified brush
Public methodFillRectangle
Fills a rectangle with the specified brush
Public methodFlush
Flushes the drawing (for some platforms)
Public methodMeasureString
Measures the string with the given font
Public methodMultiplyTransform
Multiplies the co-ordinate system with the given matrix
Public methodResetClip
Resets the clip bounds to encompass the entire drawing area
Public methodRestoreTransform
Restores the transform state
Public methodRotateTransform
Rotates the co-ordinate system by the given angle
Public methodSaveTransform
Saves the current transform state
Public methodScaleTransform
Scales the co-ordinate system by a factor
Public methodSetClip(IGraphicsPath)
Sets the clip region to the specified path
Public methodSetClip(RectangleF)
Sets the clip region to the specified rectangle
Public methodTranslateTransform
Translates the origin of the co-ordinate system by the given offset
See Also