Click or drag to resize

IHandler Properties

The Scrollable.IHandler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBorder
Gets or sets the border type
Public propertyExpandContentHeight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Scrollable expands content to the height of the control
Public propertyExpandContentWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Scrollable expands content to the width of the control
Public propertyMaximumZoom
Hint to get or set the maximum zoom of the scrollable region, if the platform supports it
Public propertyMinimumZoom
Hint to get or set the minimum zoom of the scrollable region, if the platform supports it
Public propertyScrollPosition
Gets or sets the scroll position from the top-left origin
Public propertyScrollSize
Gets or sets the size of the scrollable region manually
Public propertyVisibleRect
Gets the coordinates of the rectangle that is visible to the user
Public propertyZoom
Hint to set the zoom level of the scrollable region, if the platform supports it
See Also