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RichTextArea Properties

The RichTextArea type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuffer
Gets the formatted text buffer to set formatting and load/save to file.
Public propertyRtf
Gets or sets the content as a RTF (Rich Text Format) string. Note that some platforms don't support RTF (e.g. Gtk).
Public propertySelectionBackground
Gets or sets the background color of the selected text or insertion point.
Public propertySelectionBold
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text or insertion point has bold text.
Public propertySelectionFamily
Gets or sets the font family of the selected text or insertion point.
Public propertySelectionFont
Gets or sets the font of the selected text or insertion point.
Public propertySelectionForeground
Gets or sets the foreground color of the selected text or insertion point.
Public propertySelectionItalic
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text or insertion point has italic style.
Public propertySelectionStrikethrough
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text or insertion point has strikethrough decorations.
Public propertySelectionTypeface
Gets or sets the font typeface of the selected text or insertion point.
Public propertySelectionUnderline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected text or insertion point has underline decorations.
See Also