Click or drag to resize

MaskedTextBox Properties

The MaskedTextBox type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInsertMode
Gets or sets the mode for insertion. Use IsOverwrite to determine the current mode.
Public propertyIsOverwrite
Gets a value indicating whether typing will overwrite text.
Public propertyMaskCompleted
Gets a value indicating whether the mask is completed.
Public propertyProvider
Gets or sets the masked text provider to specify the mask format.
Public propertyShowPlaceholderWhenEmpty
Gets or sets a value indicating that the placeholder should be shown when the mask is empty and the control does not have focus.
Public propertyShowPromptMode
Gets or sets the mode for when the input prompts should be shown
Public propertyShowPromptOnFocus Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating that the prompt characters should only be shown when the control has focus.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text of the control including any mask characters.
(Overrides TextControl.Text.)
See Also