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DataObject Properties

The DataObject type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainsHtml
Gets a value indicating whether this DataObject contains a value for Html.
Public propertyContainsImage
Gets a value indicating whether this DataObject contains a value for Image.
Public propertyContainsText
Gets a value indicating whether this DataObject contains a value for Text.
Public propertyContainsUris
Gets a value indicating whether this DataObject contains a value for Uris.
Public propertyHtml
Gets or sets html text in the data object.
Public propertyImage
Gets or sets an image in the data object.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the plain text in the data object.
Public propertyTypes
Gets the types of data in the data object to be used with GetString(String) and GetData(String)
Public propertyUris
Gets or sets the Uri's of the files in the data object
See Also