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MessageBox.Show Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberShow(String, MessageBoxType)
Shows a message box, blocking input to all windows of the application until closed
Public methodStatic memberShow(String, String, MessageBoxType)
Shows a message box, blocking input to all windows of the application until closed
Public methodStatic memberShow(Control, String, MessageBoxType)
Shows a message box, blocking only the window of the specified parent
Public methodStatic memberShow(String, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxType, MessageBoxDefaultButton)
Shows a message box, blocking input to all windows of the application until closed
Public methodStatic memberShow(Control, String, String, MessageBoxType)
Shows a message box, blocking only the window of the specified parent
Public methodStatic memberShow(String, String, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxType, MessageBoxDefaultButton)
Shows a message box, blocking input to all windows of the application until closed
Public methodStatic memberShow(Control, String, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxType, MessageBoxDefaultButton)
Shows a message box, blocking only the window of the specified parent
Public methodStatic memberShow(Control, String, String, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxType, MessageBoxDefaultButton)
Shows a message box, blocking only the window of the specified parent
See Also