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ToolItemCollection Methods

The ToolItemCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(ToolItem)
Adds the specified item given its order.
Public methodAdd(Command, Int32)
Add a command with the specified order.
Public methodAddRange(IEnumerableToolItem)
Adds the specified tool items to the collection.
Public methodAddRange(IEnumerableCommand, Int32)
Adds the specified commands to the collection starting at the specified order.
Public methodAddSeparator
Adds a separator item with the specified order or type
Protected methodClearItems
Called when the collection is cleared.
(Overrides CollectionTClearItems.)
Protected methodInsertItem
Called when an item is inserted.
(Overrides CollectionTInsertItem(Int32, T).)
Protected methodRemoveItem
Called when an item is removed from the collection.
(Overrides CollectionTRemoveItem(Int32).)
See Also