Click or drag to resize

ThemedSegmentedButtonHandler Methods

The ThemedSegmentedButtonHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachEvent
Attaches the specified event to the platform-specific control
(Overrides ThemedControlHandler<TControl, TWidget, TCallback>.AttachEvent(String).)
Public methodClearItems
Clears all items from the segmented button.
Public methodClearSelection
Clears all selected items.
Protected methodCreateControl
Creates the control if not already set.
(Overrides WidgetHandler<TControl, TWidget>.CreateControl().)
Public methodInsertItem
Inserts the item at the specified index.
Public methodOnLoad
Called when the control is loaded on a form
(Overrides ThemedControlHandler<TControl, TWidget, TCallback>.OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Public methodOnPreLoad
Called before the control is loaded on a form
(Overrides ThemedControlHandler<TControl, TWidget, TCallback>.OnPreLoad(EventArgs).)
Public methodRemoveItem
Removes the item at the specified index.
Public methodSelectAll
Selects all items when SelectionMode is set to Multiple.
Public methodSetItem
Sets the item at the specified index, replacing its existing item.
See Also