Click or drag to resize

Grid Methods

The Grid type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginEdit
Begin to edit one cell
Public methodCancelEdit
Cancels the current edit operation and reverts the cell value to the value in the model.
Public methodCommitEdit
Commits a current edit operation and sets the current value to the model.
Protected methodGetCallback
Gets an instance of an object used to perform callbacks to the widget from handler implementations
(Overrides Control.GetCallback().)
Protected methodOnCellClick
Raises the CellClick event.
Protected methodOnCellDoubleClick
Raises the CellDoubleClick event.
Protected methodOnCellEdited
Raises the CellEdited event
Protected methodOnCellEditing
Raises the CellEditing event
Protected methodOnCellFormatting
Raises the CellFormatting event
Protected methodOnColumnHeaderClick
Raises the ColumnHeaderClick event
Protected methodOnSelectionChanged
Raises the SelectionChanged event
Public methodScrollToRow
Scrolls to show the specified row in the view
Public methodSelectAll
Selects all rows
Public methodSelectRow
Selects the row to the specified row, clearing other selections
Public methodUnselectAll
Clears the selection
Public methodUnselectRow
Unselects the specified row
See Also