Click or drag to resize

Graphics Methods

The Graphics type exposes the following members.

Public methodClear(Color)
Resets all pixels in the ClipBounds region with the specified color
Public methodClear(SolidBrush)
Resets all pixels in the ClipBounds region with the specified brush
Public methodDrawArc(Color, RectangleF, Single, Single)
Draws a 1 pixel wide arc with the specified color
Public methodDrawArc(Pen, RectangleF, Single, Single)
Draws an arc with the specified pen
Public methodDrawArc(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a 1 pixel wide arc with the specified color
Public methodDrawArc(Pen, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws an arc with the specified pen
Public methodDrawEllipse(Color, RectangleF)
Draws a 1 pixel wide ellipse outline with the specified color
Public methodDrawEllipse(Pen, RectangleF)
Draws an ellipse outline with the specified pen
Public methodDrawEllipse(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a 1 pixel wide ellipse outline with the specified color
Public methodDrawEllipse(Pen, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws an ellipse with the specified pen
Public methodDrawImage(Image, PointF)
Draws the specified image at a location with no scaling
Public methodDrawImage(Image, RectangleF)
Draws the specified image in a rectangle
Public methodDrawImage(Image, RectangleF, PointF)
Draws the source portion of an image, scaling to the specified destination
Public methodDrawImage(Image, RectangleF, RectangleF)
Draws the source portion of an image, scaling to the specified destination
Public methodDrawImage(Image, Single, Single)
Draws the specified image at a location with no scaling
Public methodDrawImage(Image, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws the specified image in a rectangle
Public methodDrawInsetRectangle
Draws an rectangle with colors on the top/left and bottom/right with the given width
Public methodDrawLine(Color, PointF, PointF)
Draws a 1 pixel wide line with the specified color
Public methodDrawLine(Pen, PointF, PointF)
Draws a line with the specified pen
Public methodDrawLine(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a 1 pixel wide line with the specified color
Public methodDrawLine(Pen, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a line with the specified pen
Public methodDrawLines(Color,PointF[])
Draws a 1 pixel wide set of lines with the specified points
Public methodDrawLines(Color, IEnumerable<PointF>)
Draws a 1 pixel wide set of lines with the specified points
Public methodDrawLines(Pen,PointF[])
Draws a set of lines with the specified points
Public methodDrawLines(Pen, IEnumerable<PointF>)
Draws a set of lines with the specified points
Public methodDrawPath(Color, IGraphicsPath)
Draws a 1 pixel outline of the specified path
Public methodDrawPath(Pen, IGraphicsPath)
Draws the specified path
Public methodDrawPolygon(Color,PointF[])
Draws a 1 pixel wide outline of a polygon with the specified points
Public methodDrawPolygon(Pen,PointF[])
Draws an outline of a polygon with the specified points
Public methodDrawRectangle(Color, RectangleF)
Draws a 1 pixel wide outline of a rectangle with the specified color
Public methodDrawRectangle(Pen, RectangleF)
Draws a rectangle
Public methodDrawRectangle(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a 1 pixel wide outline of a rectangle with the specified color
Public methodDrawRectangle(Pen, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draws a rectangle
Public methodDrawText(FormattedText, PointF)
Draws formatted text at the specified location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Brush, PointF, String)
Draws text with the specified font, brush and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Color, PointF, String)
Draws text with the specified font, color and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, SolidBrush, PointF, String)
Draws text with the specified font, brush and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Brush, Single, Single, String)
Draws text with the specified font, brush and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Color, Single, Single, String)
Draws text with the specified font, color and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, SolidBrush, Single, Single, String)
Draws text with the specified font, brush and location
Public methodDrawText(Font, Brush, RectangleF, String, FormattedTextWrapMode, FormattedTextAlignment, FormattedTextTrimming)
Draws text in a rectangle with the specified formatted text trimming
Public methodFillEllipse(Brush, RectangleF)
Fills an ellipse with the specified brush
Public methodFillEllipse(Color, RectangleF)
Fills an ellipse with the specified color
Public methodFillEllipse(Brush, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills an ellipse with the specified brush
Public methodFillEllipse(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills an ellipse with the specified color
Public methodFillPath(Brush, IGraphicsPath)
Fills the specified path
Public methodFillPath(Color, IGraphicsPath)
Fills the specified path
Public methodFillPie(Brush, RectangleF, Single, Single)
Fills a pie with the specified brush
Public methodFillPie(Color, RectangleF, Single, Single)
Fills a pie with the specified color
Public methodFillPie(Brush, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills a pie with the specified brush
Public methodFillPie(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills a pie with the specified color
Public methodFillPolygon(Brush,PointF[])
Fills a polygon defined by points with the specified brush
Public methodFillPolygon(Color,PointF[])
Fills a polygon defined by points with the specified color
Public methodFillRectangle(Brush, RectangleF)
Fills a rectangle with the specified brush
Public methodFillRectangle(Color, RectangleF)
Fills a rectangle with the specified color
Public methodFillRectangle(Brush, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills a rectangle with the specified brush
Public methodFillRectangle(Color, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Fills a rectangle with the specified color
Public methodFillRectangles(Brush, IEnumerable<RectangleF>)
Fills the specified rectangles
Public methodFillRectangles(Color, IEnumerable<RectangleF>)
Fills the specified rectangles
Public methodFlush
Flushes the drawing (for some platforms)
Public methodIsVisible
Returns true if the clip region intersects the specified rectangle.
Public methodMeasureString
Measures the string with the given font
Public methodMultiplyTransform
Multiplies the co-ordinate system with the given matrix
Public methodResetClip
Resets the clip bounds to encompass the entire drawing area
Public methodRestoreTransform
Restores the transform state
Public methodRotateTransform
Rotates the co-ordinate system by the given angle
Public methodSaveTransform
Saves the current transform state
Public methodCode exampleSaveTransformState
Gets an object that will restore to the current transform state when disposed.
Public methodScaleTransform(Single)
Scales the co-ordinate system by a factor
Public methodScaleTransform(SizeF)
Scales the co-ordinate system by a factor
Public methodScaleTransform(Single, Single)
Scales the co-ordinate system by a factor
Public methodSetClip(IGraphicsPath)
Sets the clip region to the specified path
Public methodSetClip(RectangleF)
Sets the clip region to the specified rectangle
Public methodTranslateTransform(PointF)
Translates the origin of the co-ordinate system by the given offset
Public methodTranslateTransform(Single, Single)
Translates the origin of the co-ordinate system by the given offset
See Also